
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Ah yes, Sundays.

Today we met Mike's folks for breakfast/lunch in Indiana.  Mostly so that Mike could get an ironing board from them, and they could get their take out Coalfire pizza from us.  If you're in Chicago and you haven't eaten at Coalfire, your life is not complete.  Actually, wait, don't go; it'll keep the line down to a minimum for us.  After we returned home, we all promptly napped.

Ah, Sundays.  Another Sunday plus?  A new Menards sale flyer.  I can get a small indirect fix without leaving the comfy couch and maybe plan projects around it too.

This week's flyer had lots of spring stuff:  seeds, planters, wheelbarrows, edgings, outside tools, yep.  We are mighty tired of Old Man Winter around here and wish he'd kick the bucket.  If it snows at all any more, I think the city will just snap in half.  So it was super nice to see all the spring stuff for sure.

But then, I'm terrified of what's under the five month pile of solid ice and snow in the back yard.  Folks with dogs know where I'm going with that.  Five months....

Plus we have a drainage issue in the yard.  We need to till the whole thing (thankfully it's just a Chicago size back yard), maybe put in a dry well back there and we're not sure what else yet.

The "sidewalk" (or better known as the broken in a million pieces assemblage of concrete in a generally straight line that sits mostly below ground) from the garage to the house needs total replacement.

Oh, and the steps into the garage.  The flipper did one thing right - he hired a company to install a new garage.  What wasn't done right was that after the company poured new concrete over the old, no one adjusted the steps.  The top step is like 20" tall into the garage.  Or it feels like it anyway.

We've got a standing water issue in the east gangway we need to figure out.

Mike wants a deck.

I think I'm going to continue my winter Sunday holding down the couch, merely dreaming of spring with my little feeties up.

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